Next Pullet Sale at Trinity Haymarket Scheduled Jan 13, 2018 (SOLD OUT!!)

With the help of Honey's Acres Farm in Cedar Hill, we are currently raising pullets that will be available Jan 13, 2018. They are being  raised on Hugelland Non-gmo Premium Feed.  Among the breeds we currently have in stock are Black Australorp, Barnevelders, and Heritage Rhode Island Reds.   Please contact the store at 214 202-2163 to reserve your pullet. We dont keep the pullets in the store until the day customer is picking them up.  The farm where they are getting fresh air and pasture  is Honey's Acres Farm in Cedar Hill, Texas. Please contact the store for more information about speciific breeds and cost  at 214 202-2163 or email us at [email protected] Update:  we are sold out of this current batch of pullets. We will be raising another group starting sometime at the first of the year and will post. We have had great success taking pre-orders and reserving the pullets prior to the actual sale.



We are interested in two more pullets. Do you know what breeds will be in the next batch? We are also interested in getting a couple of ducks (hens).

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The farm where they are

The farm where they are getting fresh air and pasture is Honey's Acres Farm in Cedar Hill, Texas. My godaddy $1 hosting “customers”, though I don’t love that word. You are more than "customer".



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